In 2006, #19 was diagnosed as necrotic pulp w/ acute apical periodontitis. An irregular radiolucency was noted on the mesial aspect of distal root. This was diagnosed a resorptive defect. While some may have elected to remove the tooth and place an implant or bridge, this patient wanted to preserve her tooth, so a root canal and root repair was performed.

During our RCT procedure, the resorptive defect was cleaned out without perforation of the root. The appearance of the post-op radiograph appears to show some kind of communication.

At 20 months, the patient returned for recall and a large furcal lesion was present. Once again, more may have elected to extract the tooth and replace it with an implant or bridge. We discussed options/prognosis and decided to retreat and try to repair the resorptive area with MTA.

#19 was retreated and resorptive defect repaired with MTA. You can see the resorptive defect was opened more aggressively and there was extrusion of MTA into the periodontal ligament.

3 year recall (since the retx and repair with MTA) shows complete healing of the furcal lesion. The tooth is fully functional and asymptomatic. This is a tooth was was saved by endodontic therapy using the right material. This tooth was saved by endodontic therapy and the use of MTA to repair and seal the resorptive defect.
Informative post. Keep posting.
A very valuable and excellent step by step demonstration. I admire your effort and expertise. Nice photos too.
Hmmmm.....The blog was really great and you have clearly described about the procedure along with the x-rays. It is really nice to see people getting their beautiful smile back. Nowadays the dental technology has improved so much that there is solutions for any kind of dental problems.
Another superb post. Lovely result here. Well done. Chris
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