This tooth was referred to my office today after the RCT had been started. I appreciate a dentist who is not afraid to stop during a procedure and refer if needed. Here's a tip to help you find these canals.
Look lingually. The natural access into a Md incisor always goes toward the buccal. If you cannot find the canal (or the second canal in 20-40% of these teeth), look lingually.
I used an ultrasonic tip under the microscope to cut from the current access back towards the lingual.
There are actually 2 canals in 40% of mand incisors.
Thanks for your correction. Benjamin & Dowson foun 2 canals in 41.4% of Md incisors. 1.3% had separate foramina.
Green's earlier study found 2 canals in 20%.
Either way, I was off. Thanks for your correction!
did you get a crown done on that tooth?
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